This is the record of what seems to be spiritual journey. All of life is a spiritual journey for mindful people. All of life is journey, even if one isn’t particularly mindful.
In September of 2013 I embarked on a physical journey and walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela. My journey on foot began in St. Jean Pied de Port (France) and followed the approximately 500 miles of the Camino across northern Spain. A bit like the Wise Men of the Christmas story, I returned home different.
The segment of the road which prompted the start of this blog seems to have begun with reading “The Dance of the Dissident Daughter” which led me to re-examine the feminine divine. If, as so many of my friends and acquaintances claim, God is neither male nor female – then why should it bother them that I image the Holy Spirit as She?
While I can’t imagine that I had lived for slightly more than a half a century when I began this blog, the calendar claims that I had. Now that I am into my 7th decade, I still don’t feel a day over 20, unless I happen to have a day where my shoulder hurts, or my heel hurts, or I notice the gray in my hair…. or I remember that I have 3 children, the youngest of which is about to begin his 4th decade himself! Not to mention the fact that I am blessed with 2 daughters-in-law, 4 granddaughters and one grandson.