How can I keep from singing?

It's been a day. Started by spilling coffee on my shirt when I transferred it to the travel mug so I wouldn't spill it. Change shirts. Load the dogs up to go to the groomer's. Spill coffee from that stupid travel mug on shirt number 2. Get to the groomer's, and Cooper...

Bee Stings and Car Dents

I was just following a post on FAMVIN about what Bee Stings and Car Dents can teach us about economics. The full story is over at I'm no economist (although I am the mother of an aspiring economist, but we don't want to talk about how we see things...

A Need to Sing Praise

Yesterday I got a call asking me if I knew the praise song "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High" and if not, could I learn it. I'd heard it, so I went out to iTunes to get a copy so I could learn it. There were 107 different versions of this song. So, I picked the one that...


Today's readings seem to be shouting at me. I'm sorting through the cacophony of voices I hear and trying to find a central theme. In Acts, I see a group freed up from "serving at table" (I'm not sure exactly what that means, yet) to be out in the community...

50 Years

Last night we helped our deacon and his wife celebrate their Golden Wedding Anniversary. We means the parish, the family who came in from around the US and several local priests. From the mass (where the priest almost forgot to do the Renewal of the Vows) on through...

I am the Way

Today's Gospel is one that comes to me often: Do not let your hearts be troubled... In the Father's house there are many dwelling places... I will come back and take you with me.. And Thomas asks how to get there. "We don't know where you are going. How can we know...

The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want

I learned to say this as a child I was baffled. If the Lord is my shepherd and He does all these wonderful things, why do I not want Him? If finally asked about this and of course was informed that I was misunderstanding the words - of course it's not the Lord you...


The past couple of days, I've been rather in a desert when I think of writing. Oh, I've done some technical writing because I have a lot of that to work through, but in the interior landscape, it seems to be a desert. Which reminds me of a retreat weekend some 8 years...


I could go off on a lot of tangents this morning, but the gospel is pulling me back to shepherd images. When I was a teenager, someone gave me the following (I don't know the author - does anyone else have a clue?) Shepherd, shall I tend your sheep? I with scant...


Last night my laptop got so confused. It couldn't use its backup disk - I could point it to the backup, and mount the drive, and look at the files, but the poor little MacBookPro just couldn't seem to understand. Finally, I had to reboot, let it forget some stuff and...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY