2019 — Looking Back, Looking Forward

Note: I don't really expect anyone to wade through this long, rambling look at events in my life. I just need to write it so as to better see where I am. My goal is to be in the present moment. But, sometimes life (and Facebook) pull up the past and tripper me to...

Leaving God for God

Today's thought is brief, but incredibly deep and penetrating:  Leave God for God. Let go of the the God I know, in order to know the God that is. If I can comprehend God, that's not the full picture. It's all so overwhelming. It makes me understand the "fear of the...

Is a bit of secrecy “a good thing”?

Yesterday's Gospel reading made me think. It enlightened me about a couple of "Bible Stories" I remember from childhood. And it shone a light on some things I have experienced. From the USCCB version: Luke 3,10-18. And the crowds asked John the Baptist, "What then...

Post Election Blues

I'm so ready to just ditch paying attention to politics and government. I'm like to go down to the beach and just let my concerns and fears just wash away. However, that would, in many ways just be a way of bowing out of loving the world. And, I feel called to love...

Belly of the whale

Jesus says, “There’s only one sign I’m going to give you: the sign of the prophet Jonah” (see Luke 11:29; Matthew 12:39, 16:4). Sooner or later, life is going to lead us (as it did Jesus) into the belly of the beast, into a place we can’t fix, control, explain, or...

The Life that wants to live in me

A couple of days ago, the daily reflection from CAC (Richard Rohr and crew) included the following: Parker Palmer, a Quaker teacher and activist whom I deeply trust, reflects on his own “further journey”: [There are] moments when it is clear—if I have the eyes to...

Pray Constantly

Some written prayers repeatedly find their way into my site and my consciousness. This one has been in my heart of late: Lord, Thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older and will someday be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking...

Let those who have ears…

Let those who have ears…

I admit that I struggle with "the Church" and with the apparent ideologies of parts of the church that I deal with... like the Cursillo Movement. I admit that I struggle to be inclusive, to remember and love these entities that I struggle with, even when we diverge on...

Transformation / Metamorphosis

Not long ago the Sunday Gospel was the Transfiguration -- Jesus takes Peter, James and John up the mountain where they see Jesus as he truly his. The gospel says "transfigured", but in many ways it seems to be transformation or metamorphosis. Like the resurrection...

There is no closure… dancing to someone else’s drum

Not sure how this all fits together. My first reflections this morning were on how to "let go" -- I read the readings before mass; I thought of Solomon asking for wisdom and letting go of his own glory. I reflected on Jesus' words about finding a treasure and selling...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY