Election Blues?

In 2013 I walked the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. It's a pilgrimage route that has been walked for nearly a millenium. When you walk 500 miles, carrying everything you think you need in a backpack that weighs well under 20lbs, you learn a lot about...

A prayer to learn and remember

God for us, we call you “Father.” God alongside us, we call you “Jesus.” God within us, we call you “Holy Spirit.” Together, you are the Eternal Mystery That enables, enfolds, and enlivens all things, Even us and even me.  Every name falls short of your goodness and...

Palm Sunday Gratitude

We went to mass at a place rather distant from my home parish this weekend. Distant as in miles, distant as in Presence. A nice blessing of the palms in the square in front of the church. A procession. A well rehearsed chorale accompanied by a pipe organ in mass. A...

Thanks – you should know who you are

I found the following in today's email reflection from Richard Rohr: We seem to think God will love us if we change. Paul clearly knows that God loves us so we can change. The only people who change, who are transformed, are people who feel safe, who feel their...

Dying and Rising

This is going to sound really shallow and self-centered, I fear. I'm going to write it anyway. We are building a new house. We will be leaving this house that has been home for 31 years. Granted, we are staying in the same town. But, we've been on this spot of ground...


Today's Gospel is the Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) -- Paraphrased it goes like this: Jesus takes Peter, John and James up to the mountain to pray. As usual, they doze off while Jesus prays and is transfigured ( I think transformed might be a good word for the event)...

Blast from the past

We watched the movie "Woodlawn" last night. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I have friends who were students at Woodlawn High School (Birmingham AL) when the story took place. To them, it seemed that the movie was reasonably accurate. I was in college at the time,...

Lent again

I never seem to get Lent "right"-- failed plans, false starts, barriers I stumble over. This year, it seems that my Lenten intentions have been laid out for me. All I have to do it live it. I've watched a beautiful montage set to music about the Camino de Santiago de...


With my broken ankle/leg, I've had an excess of time and space to obsess. That also means I've have time to reflect and focus on the graceful side of my life. It all began when I fell... January 9, near Rainbow Falls, Hilo, Hawaii: When I tripped, slipped, missed my...

Wrath, anger…

A few weeks ago I was in a small group sharing, and one person began to share about recent a Bible study session where the subject got around to wrath. What is wrath? Is it okay to be angry? That sort of thing. Some folks of course thought it was ok to be angry and...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY