So, I’m the witness speaker at Ultreya tomorrow night. Which brings to light the question: What am I a witness to or for?

I have witnessed the power of my group – my four sisters (well – ok, one moved away and now we are four total). We gather for breakfast and coffee every week to review our week and put it into focus. This generally involves laughter, deep discussion, sharing and coaxing ourselves into be aware of how God/Jesus has been present in our day to day activities. Or how we have both succeeded and failed at walking the Way.

Wednesday mornings help me to understand and believe that “where 2 or more are gathered in My name, there am I also.” Recent weeks have found us chewing on what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God – and the responsibility of be God in this world. My friend, Amanda, thought I was a bit off when I proclaimed that I believed that each of us has the potential to be Christ until she heard a priest assert that we are all gods (image and likeness, here we go). I had never been struck with the awesome responsibility of that idea until it made her uncomfortable.