As a part of my “be still” campaign, I am also practicing paying attention. And, of course trying to enter an attitude of prayer more often.
One of my passtimes is playing a game I found on Facebook – Wordshunt. You can check in from time to time and add letters to your bag. I have many facebook friend who have this app, so I have many racks to browse through when searching for a particular letter. I scroll down the list and see my friend’s little profile pictures and hunt for letters.
Frances is about 2/3 of the way down the list. Frances has been in the hospital for over 2 weeks with a pulmonary (lung/breathing) problem and has been transferred to UAB (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham – one of the top tier hospitals) where the docs are beginning to get a handle on treating her. Still, there is no understanding of the cause which is both frustrating and a bit frightening. And so, I have found that as I hunt for letters, I scroll down and see Frances. I pause. I remember her to God. I ask for healing. I sit with her in prayer.
It’s not much, I know. But, the Bible (is is Paul?) admonishes us to pray without ceasing. That I don’t do. But, it is good to take notice of things, and take a break to pray.
Frances – my prayers are with you, with your family and with your medical teams. Get well.