Today’s On Point (Public Radio) is focused on Glen Beck — prophet or demon? (show info here)
I’ve been trashed by my sister because I dislike listening to Mr. Beck. I dislike his politics. I really find it offensive that he claims to speak for Christians… because what I hear in the Gospel and have learned from an ongoing relationship with God is so very different from Mr. Beck’s approach.
I’ve been blasted by my sister because she claims I have a closed mind. She’s sure that if I just listen to Mr. Beck that I will find truth and light. And so, because I have avoided too much contact, I spent an afternoon on the net, reading transcripts of his shows and other “first person” info from and about him. Her (my sister) has no grounds to accuse me of a closed mind because I haven’t listened or read. I’ve listened and read.
The questions posed by today’s On Point broadcast bring me to the following thoughts:
- Mr. Beck may be good for America because he might inspire folks to actually look at what he is saying
- Mr. Beck has his own faith journey to follow. But, he should be very careful to proclaim that he has special knowledge about the core beliefs of Christianity. I have my own perceptions which reach very different conclusions. He probably has some elements of the essential Truth, and I probably have other elements of Truth. And, his railing against social justice issues is causing me to doubt how open he has been to the Love given us as a free gift by God.
- The idea that Satan can quote scripture with the best of us won’t go away.
And so, I find myself in the position of praying for Mr. Beck — and for all of us. That we find our way and do so without destroying each other.