(with apologies to Jimmy Buffet)
I’ve recently been on a campaign to get rid of the extra padding I carry around — physically. So, I signed up with a weightloss clinic, where I pay more than I should for a program to redo my eating habits and drop pounds at a rate that keeps me inspired to stick with it. I suppose that if it works, where not much else ever has, then maybe it is not that overpriced.
So, this morning I looked in the mirror and felt like the changes were evident. That’s good, but it is also something that requires me to step back and evaluate. I have a long way to go to get to where I want to be. I feel so much lighter, I almost have to fight the urge to say “this is good enough.” and be done. But it’s not. I’m on this journey and I have a goal in mind. So, I’ll stick with it.
Funny thing about goals: you have to see where you are so you know what’s necessary to change/do to get there. And sometimes that goal is sort of fuzzy: you think you know what you’ll have when you reach it, but the closer you get, it seems to change on you. So, if I lose 50-60 lbs, just what will I have? And will I keep it?
Already I see my blood pressure dropping. It was never a problem on a generic scale, but it was higher than I was accustomed to. Not in the “high blood pressure” range, but in the “high blood pressure for Liz” range. So, I know I’m making progress.
I’m wearing clothes I haven’t worn in years. Not that’s hope: just the fact that I still have some of these clothes in the closet!
But the attitude that I must keep in mind is this: Many people seem to exercise to lose weight. I am losing weight because I love exercise — and less weight means I can do more, and I hope to do things that I couldn’t do at a higher weight. I’d love to water ski successfully again, I’d love to snow ski (I’ve only been once), and I think I really like to try a ropes course. Not to mention attempting a marathon or at least a half-marathon. And, I already see that I can complete a Zumba class without dying… and I am beginning to be able to hold a plank position for more than 10 seconds (Just a matter of pride there).
Still, on occasion I just want to BE DONE. I don’t embrace the process 24/7. My patience runs short. I still need to work on the attitude whilst changing the latitude.
Congratulations. And thanks for a good reminder.
I’m down 40 pounds….but still need to lose a lot more. Yet that “maybe this is enough” does tend to creep in. Keep up the good work.
PS It does feel good to put on clothes that haven’t fit for a long time.