Seduction – or not
Over the past few weeks, I have been reminded repeatedly that "God is madly in love with you." The message comes from scripture, from the Cursillo movement, from homilies and if I let it, from prayer. At first blush it is a comforting and exciting message. Quite...
What do I do with this?
I somehow raised at least one child who falls on the opposite side of the political spectrum from her parents. She is a wonderful young woman, a wonderful Mommy to her daughter, a caring friend, a practicing Catholic. But, she probably would be an ardent Ayn Rand...
Farewell to Julio Suescun
It seems that being my friend is not good for your health of late. For a second time in less that a month -- a friend has died early on a Sunday morning. Julio was a Spanish priest of the Congregation of the Mission. He was one of my favorite people in the world,...
Trinity Sunday
Jack's homily today touched heavily on a sequence of orders given in the Gospel reading. It seems that Jesus admonished his followers to 1) go an make disciples of all 2) baptize and finally to 3) teach. His observation was that the church seems to have gotten this a...
Wisdom observes that the rain falls on the good and the evil. Bad things and good happen on the say day. What looks to be a blessing now may be seen as a curse later and that which is seen as a curse or great misfortune now may later turn out to have been the best...
Maybe this should be titled "Gratitude" or perhaps "Reflections by a Skeptic." However, I think "Gift" works as that is what I'm reflecting on. There are some relationships that of late have seemed strained and distant. I believe I have some understanding of why this...
Why Write?
I'm taking a class this term with OLLI - "Writing Our Lives." One of the questions posed in the reference book we use for the class (The Heart and Craft of Lifestory Writing, Sharon M. Lippincott) is "Why are you writing?" Obviously there is no right answer to this...
Unexpected Returns
Anyone who knows me is not surprised that I find the current English mass translation to be rather poor. In general the translation seems poor, cumbersome and does not invoke a sense of beauty or better understanding of what we celebrate. I find it distancing. There...
What kind of greeting?
Today's gospel is one of those where the angel Gabriel comes to Mary: The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin's name was Mary. And coming to her, he...
Moments of Change
I went to hear Wayne Flynt talk about his latest book ( Keeping the Faith: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives ) last week. It is a memoir and to hear him speak, it was very painful in the making. He dug up events that were very stressful and unpleasant as he...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY