It takes a village

Today's first reading comes from Exodus 17:8-13 and tells the story of how the Israelites did battle against Amalek. Moses stood above the battle and as long as he held his hands up, Israel would win in the battle. If his arms tired and he lowered them then Amalek...

How We See Them

I have a favorite commercial right -- I think is a Subaru commercial. I'm more sure it is a car company commercial. The scene is the father leaning into the window of the parked car, saying things like: "Buckle your seat belt." and "Are your mirrors adjusted?" The...

On Point

Today's On Point (Public Radio) is focused on Glen Beck -- prophet or demon? (show info here) I've been trashed by my sister because I dislike listening to Mr. Beck. I dislike his politics. I really find it offensive that he claims to speak for Christians... because...

Head knowledge/heart knowledge

I'm pretty good at head knowledge. No, actually I am really good at head knowledge. Maybe not as good as that man I'm married to who is well out of the normal range for IQ, but still I'm good. I took the Pew Forum Religious Knowledge quiz and scored 100% (here, try it...


Ten years ago, I was moving back into this house after a five month sojourn around town. The house had burned in March and we spent the spring and summer inhabiting interesting digs: a condo designed for folks who wanted a nice place close to campus for football...


This morning at mass we sang "Servant Song" for the presentation of the gifts. This is the one that starts out with "What do you want of me, Lord? Where do you want me to serve you." It became even more moving to me than usual because of Mery. Mery is our newest music...


Have you ever heard a "born-again" Christian refer to being "convicted"? I've spend some time thinking about that phrasing. So often it is taken to mean that Jesus, as judge and jury has taken someone into a court of law, and tried that person and found that person...

When I grow up…

Listening to NPR this afternoon on the way home from Birmingham, I caught the story by Raolh Eubanks about how the Bookmobile influenced his life (see this article).  Impressive, because the librarian (in Missisippi in the 60's) followed the law instead of ignoring...


Last week I spent a couple of days where I had to just breathe and be in order maintain composure. I wonder at some things -- like what are folks who tend toward certain political stances afraid of? I hear the fear and self-defense of those who support the T-party. It...

Shifting the Perspective

A couple of weeks ago, while on vacation in Maine, we occupied our slow moments with the construction of a jigsaw puzzle. Yes, we allow ourselves to display the box top with the finished product pictured... even so, with the image that we were seeking to recreate, we...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY