Knowledge of Good and Evil

A part of my daily routine is to read Richard Rohr's Reflection that arrives in my inbox each morning. Some days it seems we are on totally different roads. Other days, we are both in a place where it feels like I can sit and listen, share and reflect and grow toward...

Overcoming fear

I don't often include images here, but this one make for a powerful visual concerning walking through fear and holding off utter panic. These are the two bridges into Portomarin, Spain -- a part of the Via Frances Camino de Santiago de Compostella. Notice the older,...


Aaahh! The cycle of the Easter season. First there is Holy Week topped off with the Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday morning joy. Then we begin to roll through the season. Last week was not only Divine Mercy, but it is what I refer to as "Doubting Thomas" Sunday. And...

What difference does Easter make?

This morning, Susan, over at Creo en Dios asks "What difference does Easter make to you?" I've not exactly been pondering that question, but I've come close. This is the first Easter season in decades that I have not participated in the full Triduum; I only showed for...

Burden of Myself

Ran into Fr. Gary over at Holy Trinity Sunday... well, he almost chased me down when I walked past him. I thought he was busy, and didn't want to disturb him. Guess I was wrong. Reminded me of the prayer he laid on me last spring: Relieve me of the bondage of self,...


I hate falling. It scares me. I hate that loss of control, the moment of panic when my mind races worrying about what will hurt, what will be broken, where the bruises will be. I hate falling: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. But, I find the most vivid...


Watch your thoughts, for they become words Watch your words, for they become actions Watch your actions, for they become habits Watch your habits, for they become character Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny One of my 30-something friends posted this on...

Every Valley…

It is hard to believe, but Advent is here. Time flies, it seems. When I was walking the Camino back in October, I would often sing to myself to get me through. On mornings when the fog was so thick that I could barely see 10 feet in front of me, I would hear in my...

Find it wherever it is…

Just as those yellow arrows appeared in so many different places along the Camino, God's arrows can come be seen in some very unexpected, not-traditional places. You just have to be open to seeing them wherever they appear. This summer, I took up a yoga practice. The...

Yellow Arrows

I've been back stateside for 2 weeks now... the trite, but oh so true, feeling is "so long ago and far away, and yet, only yesterday." I spent 5 weeks walking the 500 miles from St-Jean-Pied-de-Port in France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. My job, as it were, was...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY