The Sacrament of Home
That's funny title... and it is only a starting point for my thoughts. This morning I was reading my friend Susan's reflection, Home in the Heart of Jesus, on her blog, Creo en Dios. She reflected on how sad it made her to know that the place that represents her...
Transformation / Transfiguration
If a teacher would bring up these two terms, I fear the question would be: Contrast and compare transfiguration and transformation. They are different, yes, but, it seems also very intertwined. And, they've been on my radar for a couple of days. Saturday night, USA...
Seek and Ye Shall Find
"Seek and ye shall find" pretty much sums up today's gospel reading. The questions for me boil down to: What am I seeking? How will I accept what I might find? I think of my husband's approach to so many things: Don't ask questions when you don't really want to know...
Crossing O'Neal Bridge the welcoming sign filling up the words "Coca Cola" fill, flash, drain fill, flash, drain Welcome! You are approaching home... "Coca Cola" fill, flash, drain It seemed a forever ride in the big back seat from Sheffield, Tuscumbia, Town Creek......
Who Knew? Or encountering God in strange places
I read the readings before mass this morning. I listened to them again. I listened as [Fr.] Bruce reflected on them, and how each represented an encounter with God that made a permanent change in the person who had the encounter. Isaiah -- now he sees the Lord in the...
Of many things…
Part 1: This morning I was sore from yesterday's Body Pump session and I had a headache. So, what happened? I was browsing a food and fitness blog, of all things, and came across a post where the author was making the point "It's a choice." This woman was talking...
Needless suffering
Sorry God-- but I just can't make any sense out of this school shooting to day. It makes it hard to gaze on your goodness and believe. There are so many things right now that are pushing me to a place of disbelief... a place where I feel a need to shake my fist at...
Comfort in the familiar
For almost a year now I have been adapting to the changes in the English mass -- moving from "And also with you" to " And with your Spirit", and no longer using "Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again." Many rather small changes, but things that...
External Validation – or not?
Last night I was at a talk by the directory of Ignatius House in Atlanta. I've known her for many years. We made our Cursillo weekends at the same time. We walked for an hour or so early in the morning for nearly a year. She is a Myers-Briggs extrovert, I an...
Stories Retold: Falling and Comfort
As I wrote a memoir story yesterday in my Writing Our Lives class, I came to a place where I understood that I was telling the wrong story. The story that needed to be told came at the situation from a very different place... "Wait, G. Wait on Mémère." Genevieve...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY