Competition: The birds in my yard are not happy with me
The jays, mockingbirds and brown thrashers out back are not pleased with me these days. It has nothing to do with my playing Angry Birds (oh, yes, I've been playing Angry Birds and enjoying slingshotting birds of various capabilities with varying success at blowing up...
Changes in Attitudes, Changes in Latitude
(with apologies to Jimmy Buffet) I've recently been on a campaign to get rid of the extra padding I carry around -- physically. So, I signed up with a weightloss clinic, where I pay more than I should for a program to redo my eating habits and drop pounds at a rate...
God’s Humor
I am living a what would be a really perfect existence for many faithful RC women: I have a living spouse, 3 grown children and 3 granddaughters. My husband is active in our local parish and in the Cursillo movement. All 3 children and spouses are Catholic (mostly...
Every day sacred
On my way to mass this evening, I had to stop to get gas. Distressing to see what it costs to fuel my car! Besides, I got notice that I was needed to play for mass in mid-afternoon and I wasn't in a joyful, positive state of mind to begin with. There was a tornado...
Balancing Act
Or Discerning when the answer to "Here I am Lord. Is it I Lord?" is "Not you, not now." I'm just back from being a part of the team for a Women's Cursillo Weekend. The spring weekends in this diocese are held over at the Blessed Trinity Shrine Retreat which is a spot...
Convicted: redux
OK - so, a while back, in my reading of "Deeper Than Words" (Br. David Stindl-Rast) I found myself in the chapter for the phrase "He will judge the living and the dead." I've always been fairly literal in my reading of that phrase -- and as a result it has always...
Live in the Now?
I must admit to a bit of minor annoyance with the pastor for the last week or so. He is reminding us at mass to begin to think about Lent... which is still a week away as I write this. On the one hand, I understand: make a plan so that you put yourself in a place to...
Vocation for a baby
Yesterday we welcomed baby Lillian into the Christian community through baptism. The visiting priest made an observation in the homily that will stick with me. Some of us wonder at times at the wisdom of infant baptism. I was in maybe7th grade when I was baptized, and...
Nature Abhors a Vacuum
Remember the parable about cleaning out the house, throwing out the devil (demon) and sweeping it clean? That empty house becomes the target of those demons, and it moves back in with something like seven buddies. I've pondered that parable on occasion: clean up one...
Naomi’s Advice
I hesitate to admit that I am a faithful follower of "Private Practice" but there are lessons to be learned in all aspects of life. If you follow the show you are familiar with the story line concerning Charlotte's rape and the aftermath. If not, here's the brief run...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY