Resting with God: Lessons from the dog
Today's observation comes from watching Cooper and Grace (a couple of miniature schauzers that share my home): The best place to rest is in the Master's bed - preferably snuggled up on the pillows. It is so much like heaven to rest peacefully surrounded by her scent,...
Change Our Hearts
Last weekend I made a bit of a mistake in how I spent time. I found myself reading a blog discussing the issues with the Bishop in Belleville IL (I'm not including a link because I wasted too much time there and I'm not going to encourage others to do the same). The...
The Risen Christ
Theresa of Avila Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet, on earth but yours. Your are the eyes through which He looks Compassion on this world Yours are the feet With which He walks to do good. Your are the hands With which He blesses all the world Yours...
Listen, Reflect, Receive – again
Since I've made this commitment to myself to try to write every day, at least a sentence or two, I've begun to appreciate the fact that the Catholic Church has particular readings for every day of the year. In the gospel for Friday, Jesus tells Peter and crew to...
Still scared
I was reading the Thursday Gospel. Jesus, the risen Jesus, appears again to people. And once again, He steps up to the plate to reassure them in their fear that they are seeing a ghost by having them inspect His hands and feet and by eating with them. I am often...
Easter Octave
Holy Week and Easter Sunday are done. Put to rest. The music and responses have been sung(I'm a parish musician - could you tell?). The pressure is off. Or is it? Jack, our pastor, made a telling observation in his Easter homily. The Resurrection took place on the...
Easter Vigil
This really begins at the Easter Vigil. There are 3 readings that are required: The Gospel (of course), the Epistle (of course) and the Exodus reading about crossing the Red Sea. There might be up to 7 old testament readings, but the reading from Exodus is required....
A Good Lent
Today, Palm Sunday, we finish Lent and walk into Holy Week. It's been a Good Lent. A couple of weeks before Lent started, I was given a penance, if it can be called that, of "staying with the question."Â What kind of penance could that be? For me, it is a real...
It’s one trick, but it’s My trick
After Friday's post about the frustrations of being looked at as a one-trick pony, I had a powerful, wonderful, moving weekend. And, I found that I am able to move beyond whining about that one-trick. More than one team member (this was formation weekend for a Women's...
One Trick Pony
How often it seems that we are relegated to the status of a "one trick pony." Sometimes it's a really great trick, for sure. But, there are times I'd like to learn another trick, or have someone else recognize more than one dimension of my life. I'm, once again,...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY