This bread shared…

The other day at mass, I was zapped! I heard the words "This cup, this bread SHARED is the Body of Christ..." The emphasis is what I heard. And, I heard it a couple of other times. Zing! I look at the Bread and Wine, the Body and Blood of Christ at mass. I am a part...


Last week I had the opportunity to glimpse my 3rd grand child. I was invited along to the doctor visit to see the ultrasound. 10 weeks. About the size of a prune. Little heart beat visible. Itsy waved little arms around. You could pick out arms and the beginnings of...

Why Catholic?

I've been sitting with Susan's post over on Creo en Dios -- and considering how her words adapt to my reality. We come to this place from different roads. She was a cradle Catholic who left God and the Catholic Church, and returned. I started life in a Calvinist...


I've listened to a couple of friends lately as they reflect on changes and calls. They are truly witnesses to me. I see faith and commitment in one of them as he reflects on possible changes in his life. He struggles with his feelings. He tries to make lemonade. He...

Sleepless – not in Seattle

Tonight is one of those where my mind doesn't seem to want to shut down... I'm pondering many things, for no know reason. It's one of those nights when I consider my faith - what it is and what it is not. I wonder at why I believe at all. I wonder what I believe. It's...

Seraph Serpents

Today's readings always give me pause... in the desert, the people complain against God. Then come the seraph serpents that bite them and kill them. The cure is for Moses to put a serpent on a staff and hold it up. Whoever gazes on it is saved. This reading is...

The season opens

Football season in the SEC is now officially open. At one level, I see this as so much hooey. But, deep in my bones, it is exciting. As I left work on Friday afternoon, the atmosphere crackled like a festival. The FiJis (over at 'Bama, those boys might be known as Phi...

Quiet Reminders

As a part of my "be still" campaign, I am also practicing paying attention. And, of course trying to enter an attitude of prayer more often. One of my passtimes is playing a game I found on Facebook - Wordshunt. You can check in from time to time and add letters to...

Be Still

My "homework" is once again to practice "being still." Ugh! Just the other day I realized that other folks in my office are not privy to the conversations that go on constantly in my head. I have to update them from time to time or my questions seem to come from...

Trees do bend…

On my way in to work each morning I pull up to an intersection that causes me to face a line of not so very old trees. These trees were carefully planted a number of years ago and are nicely spaced so as to have plenty of room to grow without interference from...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

Register now!

North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY