Control? Controlling?

It's probably pretty obvious to the rest of the world - just not to me. It took an "aha!" First - I have to decide that being at peace with myself and my God is the goal. Then, I become willing to do what is necessary to make that happen... and I can proceed to the...

Preach the Gospel at all times

Use words only when necessary.... St. Francis of Assisi. These words ran all over me while visiting the Franciscan Monastery in Kinnebunkport ME early one evening in July. We were walking the grounds with another couple (my husband's cousin and his wife), and the...

When is Just OK OK?

I've been thinking about this -- I want to live life to the fullest (isn't that the promise of Jesus?). But, I have to get along with others as well -- you know, the live in community bit. And so, I wonder "At what point do I decide that a situation or a relationship...

I am “other people”

We are all "other people" it seems. You know the feeling - something unsettling, unnerving, down right wrong happens to you or someone you care about, and you think to yourself "This can't be happening! This kind of stuff happens to other people." And then the...

Letting Go

Within the Cursillo context, this would be titled "Let go and let God" instead of "Letting Go." It seems this is one of the core messages I'm hearing right now. The previous post on Forgiveness is on aspect of letting go - forgiving involves facing reality and letting...

Iraq, Forgiving and Healing

I took the 4-Apr-2005 America with me when I took Dan to the doctor yesterday and came across a couple of articles that hit really close to home. One of these was "Iraq’s Urgent Need for A Reconciliation Ethic" where I found these words: In the Old and New...

Did you journal?

Well - no. I just got in from a Cursillo closing. While we were waiting I was talking with a friend who asked about the recent trip to Paris... "Was it good? Did you journal while you were on the trip?" I took my journal (the paper one), but I didn't ever sit down to...

Why concern myself with the hierarchy anyway?

Thursday I was asked "Why get all bothered by who got elected Pope? If you have the faith, what does it matter?" Good question - I chewed on it for a while before I settled in to remember that while I attempt to walk the Way myself, I do it in community. I think Paul...

Sitting on my rock, resting and pondering the papal elections

I haven't posted much lately. I've been on the road alot, with more to come. Not much reflection time. I have to admit to great disappointment when Benedict XVI (the man formerly known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) stepped out onto the balcony on Tuesday. Like,...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

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North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY