Saints “in your face” – NOT
Is a prophet really "in your face"? In their own time and own place, people who later are seen as prophets evoke strong negative emotions, it seems. But, isn't the reality that we are in our own faces? Those strong, negative gut reactions are brought on by the fact...
Easter Week
Got in last night from 8 days in Paris. The news everywhere is that John Paul II died on Saturday night. I spent the last week at Maison Mère - the motherhouse for the Congregation of the Mission in Paris. Vincent de Paul is enshrined over the alter in the...
Something is going on…
I have never been comfortable with the Veneration of the Cross at Good Friday services. I've stayed in my pew, or walked up and done something like a brief bow before... something that would make me fit in but not require any real involvement. I've never been...
The Leper in our midst
Yesterday was Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday). Last night at mass, a stranger wandered in, no shoes, raggedy jeans, flannel shirt over a T-shirt, clutching a cup holding pencils. He's been sitting out front for an hour or so, rocking gently. OK, so I didn't go over...
This is Holy Week. The week where I remember that Jesus was greeted with cheers and smiles as he came into Jerusalem... and when those same people found out what He was really about, what He was going to allow to happen, they were discouraged, and hurt and angry....
Martha, Mary, Lazarus…
and more people from the life of Jesus. I can identify with Lazarus - how many times have I attempted to crawl into my cave and die? Or at least refuse to live? That is my first reaction to stress, or fear. Jesus has to be summoned to call me back to life. I can...
A posting that refuses to be born
I'll revisit this, I'm sure... it's all wrapped up in Sunday's gospel which was the story of Lazarus, from John's gospel. It has something to do with being called back from the dead to the light of day. It has something to do with depression - that's the real word for...
The Samaritan Woman at the Well
... and other interesting characters from the life of Jesus I've wondered about that woman: did she outlive 5 husbands? was she divorced 5 times (I didn't think that would happen is Biblical times in that part of the world, but who knows)? Did folks suspect her of...
The 15th Station
Traditionally, there are 14 stations of the cross. The 14th station is "Christ is buried." Some places add a 15th station: The Resurrection. We got word this morning that our friend Nick died suddenly yesterday. I don't know the details. I know that there is at least...
Healing Service
Have you ever been in a place - a prayer service or just a gathering - where you came away KNOWING that the Presence of God was in that place? Where it was so vibrant you could just about touch it? Friday evening we celebrated Our Lady of Lourdes and the first Friday...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY