When I was a teenager, in the Presbyterian Church, we did a folk mass... the song for the sung homily contained the lines: The peace of God, it is no peace, but strife closed in the sod... Those words have haunted me ever since. What is the "peace of God", anyway? On...
Reflection as of Thursday
These categories run together for me - one leads to another and back again... It always seems that mass is the answer when I reflect on what I do or where I am that engenders spiritual growth. Now that we're back at work, I find I truly miss that half hour at daily...
New Years
I'm not much for resolutions - although I really must divest myself of some extra padding this year... I'd like to do that this week, but I can only begin. And so - I'm going to approach this "resolution" idea with journalling. When we meet on Wednesday mornings, we...
Fifth day in the Octave of Christmas
I made it to mass this morning (one of the benefits of the university being shut down for the holidays)... The first reading is John I 2:3-11. "Beloved: The way we ma be sure that we know Jesus is to keep his commandments...." Fridays are "open mike homily" days in...
Advent 2006
Sr. Terry gave a brief, enlightening retreat at the beginning of Advent... got us off to a good start by reflecting on what kind of vessels we are at this point in our lives. I did see myself as off balance, and tipped over - and as somewhat worn and chipped. Both of...
How we see
This might be the logical follow-on to Transfiguration... Yesterday I was presented with the thought/statement: We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. Hmmm... when I look at the world, my friends, my work situtation, my family - what of myself am I...
Transfiguration: what is Grace?
Today's gospel reading was the Transfiguration... you know - where Peter, James and John get a glimpse of REALITY. God with us... sandwiched into familiar things. OK - so I played for two masses and heard the slightly two differing versions of the same homily. And...
Obstacles to being outward focused
From Eyes turned outward ( Posted by Andy White on Saturday, July 22nd, 2006 at 9:29 am. ) Found this to be quite interesting, and enlightening. Especially the idea of asking God to step aside when we prefer to accomodate the need for other people to like us and this...
I am a 53 year old woman with 2 sons, 1 daughter, one son-in-law, one daughter-in-law, 2 schnausers, 1 cat, a house, 3 guitars and a Miata. My first grandchild is expected to arrive in October. I looking forward to her arrival. I have somehow managed to stay married...
Note: I thought I'd try to transcribe what I said that night(May 3, 2006). It won't be exact, but I'd like to capture the ideas while they are still within reach. Warning: this is LONG. Life is a journey. Faith, too, is a journey. When I was about 17 or so, I found...
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
North American Vincentian Family Gathering
The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.
More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY