Point of Light

Thursday morning a friend loaned me a CD with a part of Karen Armstrong's "The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness" on it. I had never used the cd player in my current car, but I stuck it in an found myself listening every time I got in the car for the rest of...

Witness – 1

So, I'm the witness speaker at Ultreya tomorrow night. Which brings to light the question: What am I a witness to or for? I have witnessed the power of my group - my four sisters (well - ok, one moved away and now we are four total). We gather for breakfast and coffee...

Peeling off another layer

Another layer of the proverbial onion started peeling off today. I'm not sure if I went digging, or just had some heat applied that caused old hurts to bubble to the surface. but it seems that I must look a bit deeper and try to let healing come to some very old...

It feels so good when you stop

That is my husband's take on both head banging and jogging... and it seems to be true of hurting in any form. Of late, it seems that I am seeing a more gentle, open side of my husband. He's been talking more, he seems to take things less seriously -- or at more with...

A. Stewart O’Bannon, Jr. 1930-2006

First, the standard details: Stewart was a native of Brewton, AL. He graduated from the University of Alabama and from the UA School of Law... and then he practiced law in Florence, Alabama for nearly 50 years. He was a state senator from 1966-1974. Stewart married my...

Joie de vivre

I've so enjoyed the snowboarders this week - they are so unOlympic, so fun. Shaun White observed that his gold medal surely would be a great "babe magnet." And Kelly Clark going all out - not taking a medal, but taking the women's sport to a new level. Ya gotta love...

Work Wierdness

There was a grand explosion of tension at work yesterday. In the middle of what I thought was an open discussion concerning the reworking of our network (web server(s), database server, SAMBA server, new boxes etc), I thought I was asking questions when one of the...


I was on the Frappr map for StBlogsParish to see if there were any stickpins for my part of the world, and I found Barefoot Catholic. Anyway, Sean is talking about assisted suicide, "Law and Order", etc and he takes note of the fact that where Catholic Christians are...

Back on the Journey

After a session with my friend, confessor and spiritual comrade, I'm back on the search to understand the feminine faces of God. First on my suggested reading list: I'm anticipating that this will require some work on my part. The last book I read by Elizabeth Johnson...

A certain peace…

I had a moment today where I was in a delicate balance: it seemed that on the one hand, I feel in the "wrong" place and on the other, I know that I can persevere when things are uneasy. That "wrong" place is a fairly nebulous feeling right now. It's a sense of "not...








North American Vincentian Family Gathering

Register now!

North American Vincentian Family Gathering








The 2023 North American Vincentian Family Gathering will be held October 26-29 at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. The theme is Harmony in Diversity: Working for Social Justice and Fostering a Culture of Encounter through the Arts via a community-based, intergenerational experience of creativity and the arts to build up together a culture of encounter which embraces diversity in harmony.

More information here: HARMONY IN DIVERSITY